Veggie Burritos

Veggie Burritos


· Romaine lettuce

· Grilled Pineapple Guacamole

· black beans, cooked and mashed

· red onion, chopped

· salsa

· Vegan Taco Filling

· cabbage, chopped

· kale, chopped

· carrots, chopped

· broccoli, chopped

· herbed tofu

· almond chedder

· tomatoes, chopped

· Tofu Sour Cream


Put a leaf of lettuce on your plate.

Spread the beans down the center.

Add the taco mix and whatever else you would like inside of your burrito.

To roll these up like a burrito, slip another lettuce leaf under the first one, with the stem going in the opposite direction. Roll up carefully, then eat!